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Tips To Avoid Low-Quality Kayak Fish Finder

Don’t Be The Looser – 5 Tips To Avoid Low-Quality
Kayak Fish Finder
Kayak fishing is quickly gaining popularity and becoming a booming sport.
Most sporting goods stores these days have a huge selection of fishing kayaks

What makes kayak fishing so much popular? Mainly 4 things

• Kayaks are very affordable
• You can feel the excitement of fisheries in close quarters
• You will get some needed exercise.
• Kayaks can be launched in almost any type of water.

If you’re buying a kayak for fishing, you will also need to spend on some
fishing equipment. A fish finder is something you will definitely need during
kayak fishing.

This guide will help you buy the best kayak fish finder suitable for you. Here
are 5 tips to avoid purchasing a low-quality fish finder.

• Don’t buy a fish finder only cause it is cheap in price

There are many types of fish finders available at different price ranges. But
don’t go and purchase a fish finder that is cheaply priced. A low price means
they have also compromised with the quality. Sometimes you might also later
on need to buy more equipment to go with the fish finder. End of the day it
won’t be that cost-effective. Portable fish finders can be cheaper, but they will
move around a lot, and you won’t be able to fine tune them to preferred

• Always check the compatibility of the transducer

One size will not fit all when it comes to sensors. In recent years kayak
manufacturers have teamed up with sensor makers and come up with scupper
holes that help sensors fit in perfectly and seamlessly. It makes installation
easier. But still, it is better to be safe than sorry later on.

• Check the frequency the fish finder operates at

Each fish finder operates at different frequencies. Nowadays most fish finders
come with multiple, dual and single frequency models. Don’t go for high
frequency emitting fish finders if you don’t always fish in shallow waters.
High-frequency transducers can’t penetrate the water that deeply, but allow
you to see a highly detailed image of the objects. If you regularly fish in deep
waters, go for low-frequency emitting transducers which penetrate the water
more deeply.

• Screen size matters

Always try to check the screen size, resolution and brightness. Fishfinders
with bigger screens will apparently show you more information. Try to buy a
bright display, as they are easier to read or see in the bright sunlight.

• Check if your kayak has enough mounting space

Your kayak must have enough mounting space for the fish finder. Getting one
with a big screen is necessary for reading the information properly, but it also
has to be compact. Being short means, it won’t get in the way of your paddling.
% inch screens are the best for most kayaks.

• Conclusion

Finally, when you’ve bought the best f her for your kayak, the real fun will
begin. But you will still have some work left to do. You will have to set it up
correctly into your kayak. Make sure the cables are all in place. The transducer
should be mounted properly and not be moving around too much. The mounts
have to be firm. Always carry extra batteries for the fish finder. Last, of all, try
to avoid a fish finder that is too heavy, or the kayak might topple over. Happy
kayak fishing!!
Tips To Avoid Low-Quality Kayak Fish Finder

Tips To Avoid Low-Quality Kayak Fish Finder
